The Full Ratchet (TFR): Venture Capital and Startup Investing Demystified

In this special replay episode Ed Sim of Boldstart ventures joins Nick to discuss Maintaining a Disciplined Fund Size and Strategy, The Rise of NYC Tech, and Changes in the Exit Environment. In this episode, we cover:

  • Walk us through your background and path to VC
  • What’s the thesis at boldstart ventures?
  • What was it like starting Boldstart in NYC in 2010?
  • Tell us a bit about the thesis at investment and how things evolved over the years until the ultimate exit?
  • What’s your preference…  Niche and narrow problems or big and expansive opportunities?
  • What is your mental model for investing in enterprise founders with ideas?
  • category creation
  • Why only technical founders?
  • Will this enterprise bull market sustain?
  • You’ve talked about being involved and sitting on boards from “whiteboard to scale” ?…  how do you manage ever-increasing board responsibilities with other demands of the job?
  • Where are VCs most lacking when it comes to the value that early-stage founders require?
  • Do you think there’s too much money in venture?
  • How do you win in a seed with so many seed funds?

Guest Links:

The hosts of The Full Ratchet are Nick Moran and Nate Pierotti of New Stack Ventures, a venture capital firm committed to investing in founders outside of the Bay Area.

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Direct download: Replay_Ep_266.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 4:00am EST