The Full Ratchet (TFR): Venture Capital and Startup Investing Demystified

Simeon Iheagwam of Noemis Ventures joins Nick to discuss Starting a Fund w/ Life Savings, Why it Takes More than Just Performance to Find Success, and Sticking to Your Framework. In this episode, we cover:

  • Walk us through your background and path to VC
  • What’s the thesis at NOEMIS Ventures?
  • What is your process for investing?
  • Are there any must-haves?
  • Like Brad Feld... you are syndication agnostic... don't care about who else is in the round and you're willing to be the first yes.  How do you get to conviction -- especially not having worked for a large VC fund?
  • Where do you help your portfolio companies the most?
  • In your words... why is it difficult to launch a fund as a diverse manager?
  • What were some of the most unexpected and challenging aspects of launching a fund?
  • Strangest question you've received from an LP?
  • What's your approach to investing in diverse founders?
  • You were recently highlighted by Grasshopper Bank and Left Tackle Capital as an extraordinary funder.  And I believe you joined their inaugural cohort called the Future Funders Institute?  We've seen a few different accelerator-like programs spin up, targeted at emerging GPs.  Tell us a bit about the program.
  • 3 data points...
    • Let's say you are approached to invest in a Fintech SaaS business with $5k MRR, and 20% MoM growth for the last 3 months. The catch is you can only ask for 3 data points to make your decision.
    • What 3 questions do you ask for?
Direct download: Iheagwham_READY.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT