Thu, 28 January 2021
On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured: - Check Warner
- Ty Findley
- Lo Toney
- Byron Deeter
Each investor illustrates a critical lesson learned about startup investing and how it's changed their approach.
Direct download: IS177.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Mon, 25 January 2021
Ed Sim of boldstart ventures joins Nick to discuss: Velocity as a Superpower, Why Contrarians Win, The Role of a Board Member, and Why Some Challenge When they Should Chill -
Walk us through your background and path to VC -
What’s the thesis at boldstart ventures? -
What was it like starting Boldstart in NYC in 2010? -
Tell us a bit about the thesis at investment and how things evolved over the years until the ultimate exit? -
What's your preference... Niche and narrow problems or big and expansive opportunities? -
What is your mental model for investing in enterprise founders with ideas? -
category creation -
Why only technical founders? -
Will this enterprise bull market sustain? -
You've talked about being involved and sitting on boards from "whiteboard to scale" ?... how do you manage ever-increasing board responsibilities with other demands of the job? -
Where are VCs most lacking when it comes to the value that early-stage founders require? -
Do you think there's too much money in venture? -
How do you win in a seed with so many seed funds?
Direct download: Ed_Sim_Ready.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Thu, 21 January 2021
On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured: - Steve Blank
- Niki Pezeshki
- Lolita Taub
- Jesse Middleton
Each investor discusses sectors, drivers and/or trends that may have significant impact in the future and are potentially positioned for outsized-returns.
Direct download: IS176.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Mon, 18 January 2021
Brian Hirsch of Tribeca Venture Partners joins Nick to discuss Maintaining a Disciplined Fund Size and Strategy, The Rise of NYC Tech, and Changes in the Exit Environment. In this episode, we cover: -
Walk us through your background and path to VC -
What’s the thesis at Tribeca Venture Partners (TVP)? -
We've seen notable firms in the valley launch platform and service offerings to founders... have you considered this at Tribeca - why or why not? -
Biggest differences between NYC tech vs Bay Area Tech -
COVID is causing many people to move away from the city. Any concerns about losing tech talent? -
How much does the exit environment for tech companies effects what you invest in? -
what's most undervalued in the public market or exit market at large that will be more appropriately valued in 3-5 years from now -
What's your take SPACs? -
What's your take on rolling funds?
Direct download: Hirsch_Readyl.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Thu, 14 January 2021
On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured: - Janet Bannister
- Shawn Carolan
- Reid Christian
- Villi Iltchev
Each investor highlights a situation where they decided not to invest, why they passed, and how it played out.
Direct download: IS175_1.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Mon, 11 January 2021
Simeon Iheagwam of Noemis Ventures joins Nick to discuss Starting a Fund w/ Life Savings, Why it Takes More than Just Performance to Find Success, and Sticking to Your Framework. In this episode, we cover: -
Walk us through your background and path to VC -
What’s the thesis at NOEMIS Ventures? -
What is your process for investing? -
Are there any must-haves? -
Like Brad Feld... you are syndication agnostic... don't care about who else is in the round and you're willing to be the first yes. How do you get to conviction -- especially not having worked for a large VC fund? -
Where do you help your portfolio companies the most? -
In your words... why is it difficult to launch a fund as a diverse manager? -
What were some of the most unexpected and challenging aspects of launching a fund? -
Strangest question you've received from an LP? -
What's your approach to investing in diverse founders? -
You were recently highlighted by Grasshopper Bank and Left Tackle Capital as an extraordinary funder. And I believe you joined their inaugural cohort called the Future Funders Institute? We've seen a few different accelerator-like programs spin up, targeted at emerging GPs. Tell us a bit about the program. -
3 data points... -
Let's say you are approached to invest in a Fintech SaaS business with $5k MRR, and 20% MoM growth for the last 3 months. The catch is you can only ask for 3 data points to make your decision. -
What 3 questions do you ask for?
Direct download: Iheagwham_READY.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Thu, 7 January 2021
On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured: - Stephen McIntyre
- Gigi Levy Weiss
- Richard Kerby
- Kane Hsieh
Each investor discusses a portfolio company that did not survive and why it was that they failed.
Direct download: IS174.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT
Mon, 4 January 2021
Charles Adler of Kickstarter joins Nick to discuss The Founding Story of Kickstarter — Community, Competition, and Customer-Obsession. In this episode, we cover: -
Walk us through your background and path to tech. -
Growing up what inspired you most? -
How did the idea for Kickstarter begin? -
Was there an MVP - was there an initial target vertical? -
When did you know that it was working? -
What was the biggest mistake you made during the journey? -
When competition arose... did it scare you? -
Is Kickstarter today still delivering on the initial vision you and your co-founders had? -
What was the hardest part of growing a venture-backed company? -
What advice would you have for founders before selecting VC partners? -
Organic growth and categories? -
We often talk on the show about the importance of customer obsession, really knowing what they care about and spending time to understand that -- what has been your philosophy and approach w/ customers? -
Many founders and investors talk about the importance of diversity. We talk about the importance of climate change and the environment. We campaign for socio-economic equality. How do you think founders (and investors) can be more intentional about building their beliefs into their business and their culture? -
What are you focused on now... tell us about Lost Arts? -
Why do it alone? -
Community has been a common thread/focus across many of your efforts. Is community core to everything you do... if so why?
Direct download: 261_261._The_Founding_Story_of_Kicks.mp3
Category: general
-- posted at: 6:00am EDT