Fri, 23 October 2015
David S. Rose is back on the program. He is Managing Partner of Rose Tech Ventures, Founder & Chairman Emeritus of New York Angels, Associate Founder of Singularity University and, of course, Founder & CEO of Gust. David joins us to cover recent news that the SEC has finally adopted rules on title 3...
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Wed, 14 October 2015
On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured: -Hamid Each investor discusses sectors, drivers and/or
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Direct download: IS22_Whats_Next_Hamid_ODonnell_Tunguz.mp3
Category:Investor Stories -- posted at: 4:22am EST |
Wed, 7 October 2015
Leo Polovets of Susa Ventures joins Nick to cover The Value of Data, Part Two. We will address questions including: Transitioning to business models and the way data can be wielded to generate value. Can you provide an example of a business that relies on data within their business model to...
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