The Full Ratchet (TFR): Venture Capital and Startup Investing Demystified

The Trend Spotter joins us today on the program. Tim O'Reilly is one of the top minds in tech, who has predicted and/or driven many of the movements that now seem so obvious to us. In today's episode we discuss:

  • Tim's path to becoming an investor
  • How he linked up w/ Bryce Roberts and launched O'Reilly Alphatech
  • The shift in their model w/ Indie VC
  • We talk about Tim's focus on profitability and his counter to those that cite some of the biggest and best tech companies that are not profitable
  • We discuss Tim's new book WTF: What the future and why it's up to us
  • Tim outlines the way he thinks about business model maps
  • He explains his thought process of identifying technology shifts before they happen
  • We discuss fear and it's role in shaping consumer mindset
  • Tim references the historical lessons most overlooked by today's society
  • and we wrap up w/ a conversation on ICOs and cryptocurrencies and get Tim's opinion on their role in the future of tech


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Direct download: FR155_OReilly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured:

  • Stuart Larkins & Ezra Galston
  • Ben Einstein
  • Bilal Zuberi 

Each investor describes the most unusual situation or pitch that they've encountered as an investor.


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Direct download: IS77_Strange_Unusual_Larkins_Galstron_Einstein_Zuberi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST

Ben Narasin of NEA joins Nick to discuss how NEA makes decisions, why he joined the firm and the key traits he looks for in founders. In this episode, we cover:

-Why he made the move to NEA
-His Investment focus
-the role of Venture Partner at NEA
-the investment process the firm... and if decisions are made by committee
-Ben's Evaluation Process
-the key factor that every successful founder possesses
-The common red flags that pop up and cause him to say no to strong startups
-Why he believes his job is to say no
-How he assess opportunities with 100 reasons to say yes and one reason to say no
-Ben's evolving approach toward weighing risk factors in startups
-how the tech and investing industry has changed over the past decade
-how AUM is driving a bifurcation in venture
-finally we get Ben's response to the recent Techcrunch article highlighting the crash in early-stage VC funding


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Direct download: FR154_Narasin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

On this special segment of The Full Ratchet, the following Investors are featured:

-Guy Turner
-Jonathon Triest & Brett DeMarrais
-William Mougayar
-Madhavan Ramanujam

Each investor discusses sectors, drivers and/or
trends that may have significant impact in the
future and are potentially positioned for outsized-returns.


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Direct download: IS76-_Whats_Next_Turner__TriestandDemarrais__Mougayar_Madhavan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Eric Ries, author of the Lean Startup and The Startup Way, joins Nick to discuss his new book and his response to the naysayers. In this episode, we cover:

  • Eric's backstory and path to working in tech
    Steve Blank was on the program and mentioned Peter Thiel's famous comments where he decried the MVP and lean startup approach. Steve thought he was entirely wrong. But I'd love to hear your response to Peter.
  • Peter said in his book, "forget minimum viable products. Ever since Apple started in 1976, Jobs saw that you could change the world through careful planning, not by listening to focus group feedback or copying other's successes."
  • For those that read the lean startup some time ago or maybe those that are newer to tech, can you provide a refresher of the key concepts?
  • Why'd you write The Startup Way?
  • Who is the audience for The Startup Way?
  • Is this for transforming existing, large organizations or for companies establishing their culture and their process?
  • In part one of the book, you talk about the modern company... What, in your estimation, is the biggest problem with the today's corporation?
  • You've said that "the way to stay on top can be traced to two things: treating employees like customers, and treating business units like startups." This runs counter to the common capitalist mentality where there is a focus on margins, incremental product development and creating value for shareholders, not necessarily employees. Are you suggesting significant cultural and strategic change and, if so, how is that possible to achieve?
  • Can large organizations really apply the concepts from the lean startup in the way that a startup can?
  • Do you have a tech and non-tech example of organizations that have successfully applied this methodology?
  • Tell us about the 'Big Picture' elements and your unified theory of entrepreneurship.
  • Mark Suster was on the program and stated that it's nearly impossible to innovate behind the moat... meaning that large corporations should invest in venture and startups on the outside b/c it's too hard for them to disrupt from the inside.  How would you respond to Mark's comments?
  • What would you say to those that claim that the entrepreneurial-minded folks often leave large corporations and those that stay are not inclined to embrace these principles?


To listen more, please visit
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Direct download: FR153_Ries.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST