The Full Ratchet (TFR): Venture Capital and Startup Investing Demystified
Today we cover Part 2 of Customer-centric Startup Investing Down Under with Niki Scevak of Blackbird Ventures. In this segment we address: What’s your take on water and the water crisis in Australia?  How do you see innovation happening around water in the country? Would a company like Instacart be...
Direct download: FR122_Scevak_p2.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 11:28am EDT

Niki Scevak of Blackbird Ventures joins Nick to discuss Customer-centric Startup Investing Down Under, Part 1. We will address questions including: To start off… in your estimation, what are the key factors that make a startup investable? What are your thoughts on a company like Box? At the seed stage...


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Direct download: FR121_Scevak_p1.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:35am EDT

Welcome back to TFR for another Cram Session. In these special releases, we have aggregated the takeaways and tips from previous episodes. In this installment, we will be recapping the following episodes:

55. The Hands-on Investor | High-Engagement Investing, Part 1 (John Greathouse)

56. The Hands-on Investor | High-Engagement Investing,...


To listen more, please visit
for all of our other episodes.

Also, follow us on twitter  for updates and more information.

Direct download: FR120_Cram_55-60.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 9:31am EDT

On this special segment of The Full Ratchet,

the following investors are featured:

  • Mohnot

  • Mougayar

  • Tunguz

Each investor describes their investment thesis and

how they evaluate startups for investment.


To listen more, please visit
for all of our other episodes.

Also, follow us on twitter  for updates and more information.

Direct download: IS56_Thesis_Mohnot_Mougayar_Tunguz.mp3
Category:Investor Stories -- posted at: 9:06am EDT

Today we cover Part 2 of Economic Theory in Venture Capital with Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures. In this segment we address:

What are your impressions of what Bryce Roberts is doing at Indie VC?

How have your thoughts on investment psychology and economics been influenced by The Black Swan?


To listen more, please visit
for all of our other episodes.

Also, follow us on twitter  for updates and more information.

Direct download: FR119_Suster_p2.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 11:06am EDT